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Rubrika: Jazykové články

B2a (složitější): Jak být hodnotným a zodpovědným člověkem, ale nevyhořet

How to be worthy and responsible but not to burn out Nowadays, we often hear of a burn-out syndrome. She has got a burn-out, he has burnt out, I am about to burn out… Be honest, who hasn´t heard that recently? Well, burn-out syndrom is quite a common phrase, however, what does that really mean?…
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A2 (jednodušší): Léto není jen čas nicnedělání

Children do not go to school. Adults work, but not so much. The sun shines. What season is it? Yeah, summer! Everybody likes it. Why? The weather is nice, we can wear shorts, skirts and tops, we can do sports outside… We have a lot of energy and want to do everything! Really? Do we…
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B2: Nezajímejte se o to, co lidé říkají, ale o to, co dělají

Do not care about what people say but what they do „I would do it another way!“ „Why have they done something like this?“ „If I could, I would…“ „If only I had enough money…“ Familiar? Have you heard it anywhere? Hopefully, it was not you saying this. Why? Well, such statements are usually expressed…
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What do people look like? (jednodušší anglický článek, úroveň A2)

An easy English article at the level of A2 Well, people can have various appearances. Somebody is tall, somebody is short, somebody is fat and somebody is slim. Our face is very important too. Our face can be round or oval and we usually have hair (but somebody is bald). Our hair can be short…
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B2 (složitější): Záměr je to, díky čemu se Vaše sny stávají skutečností

Intention is what makes your goals happen. Have you ever dreamt of anything? „To dream of“ is not the same as „to dream about“. When you dream about something, it means you sleep and this dream happens during it. However, when you dream of something, you are awake and fully concentrated on your life thinking…
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Španělský článek A2-B1: La naturaleza

La naturaleza está en todos los lugares alrededor de nosotros. La mayoría de la gente prefiere salir a la naturaleza siempre cuando es posible y disfrutar el ambiente de libertad, el aire fresco y un poco de movimiento sano. Salir a la naturaleza no es tan fácil cuando vivimos en la ciudad, pero también allí…
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Anglický článek B1: What does it take to be a parent?

Well, we all definitely know some parents, maybe we ourselves are ones. Being a parent is an essential thing that enters our lives one day without asking us for allowance. It comes out of nowhere and here it is. It requires a lot of attention, energy and what´s the most important – positivity and leadership.…
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Anglický článek – úroveň B1: What is so exciting about the beginning of summer?

Well, each of us can get excited about various things, but what people generally enjoy about the start of the hottest season are their gardens and the possibility to work there. Yes, we do like gardening, planting seeds, bulbs, watching them grow, watering them and then, finally, collecting the crop. The one who has a…
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B2 (složitejší): Co je to účel společnosti a má jej každá firma?

What does a company´s purpose mean and does each company have it? Firstly, we should have a look at what a company is. A company is an organization consisting of either a few or many people who should have the same ideas and beliefs. Before a company is established, there has to be somebody wishing…
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B1: Co je to pozornost a proč bychom měli závidět chlapům, že umí dělat jen jednu věc najednou?

Attention: What is it and why should we envy men because of being able to do just one activity at a time? Everything we do requires attention. When you write a letter, you have to hold a pen, think about what you are writing and actually write. It takes a lot of your energy and…
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